It Takes a Village

A wise man will hear and increase learning,
And a man of understanding will attain wise counsel Proverbs 1:5 NKJV

It takes a village to raise a child. It also takes a village to accomplish anything of substance. No one is self-made. Instead, there are often supporting characters—coworkers, mentors, and family—that allow people to obtain success. Professional success often requires continuing education, workshops, networking, and a concerted effort to keep up with trends in the industry.

I consider myself smart enough to take advantage of the help and resources available to me. I am willing to do the research and put in the time. I’ve grown humble enough to accept criticism and use it to improve my skills. I read articles and blogs related to writing like The Write Conversation that give me insight and guidance.

Though writing is a solitary process, the writers I know are quick to mention how other authors helped them along the way. A mentor of mine explained how she and a few friends began their careers by casually meeting at a conference. Through the years, they have grown close and are all accomplished authors. Their friendship and support helped each of them through personal and professional highs and lows.

Her experience supports the premise that successful people attract other successful people. I suspect one reason for this is their willingness to support, encourage, and learn from one another. A continual feed of information back and forth allows us to consider the experiences of other people and not rely on our own insight.

I suspect that a tenet of success is the belief that another person’s achievements do not minimize our own. I observed people who are categorized as competing authors laugh and commiserate over the triumphs and challenges of publishing. A singular, isolated mindsight rarely gets us far. God is omnipotent with more than enough blessings for anyone who would seek Him. The gifts and abundance that we receive are intended to bless and nurture the people in our lives.

If the thought of taking more classes, joining an organization, or attending conferences in your chosen field is daunting, don’t worry. Successful, outgoing people are often introverts as well. I also noticed that most of them are generous with their knowledge and want to help others achieve their same level of success. Truly accomplished people have a fervent desire to save others from the heartache that foiled them early in their careers. As we learn and grow, may we be mindful to also teach those we meet along our way.

Don’t remain on the shore when there is a world to explore. As we transition to a new season, step out of the shadows. Venture into the deep. What is God prompting you to do? Is there a new thing awaiting you?

When we submit our desires to the Lord, our village eventually finds us.

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In my viewfinder

God communed with Adam and Eve in a garden. We can find revelation and wisdom there as well when we take time to appreciate the miracles all around us. Let’s grow together.